NIGGER - Let's Have a Discussion...

It's been a while since I've posted thoroughly kicked my butt this semester. But it's over now, and I can write about some things that are on my mind. Since I've been working in the school district, there's been two things that have driven me absolutely is the students' lack of respect for themselves and others...

The other thing that drives me absolutely the use of the word NIGGER/NIGGA.

The students at my school use the word to no end...and every time I hear it, I cringe. What bothers me is that white, Latino & Arab students use it like it's OK What bothers me more is that the black kids are OK with it. Today, I had a black student tell me that he was a nigger and he was cool with that. Why? Because real nigger do real things...(WTF does that mean?) When I told him that he's in no way a real nigger because real niggers don't go to school everyday, I got the blank stare and I would’ve sworn I heard crickets chirping in the background. He's cool with other people (including white kids) calling him that too. “It's only a word...Drake, Lil Wayne and Waka Flocka use it all the time...”

The next class that I went to (same day), I heard a white boy use the word. I asked him to stop because it was offensive. His reply: “if black kids get to use it, why can't I? It's just a word Ms. Cooper.” My first response was to drop him off in the Ickes and let him call somebody out there a nigger and let him see what happens...

When I was in school (not that long!), being called a nigger was the ultimate insult. It was a fighting word. And when someone of another race said, they got their ass beat – no questions asked. Now some of my friends used the word (still do) as describing someone as a term of affection (nigga). I admit, I've done it before too. But now, I find myself not doing it anymore at all because of what it means. From what I hear in the hallways, the terms are interchangeable and the kids don't care how they use it or how it's interpreted. I've heard it used as a term of affection and an insult. I don't know...I guess it bothers me because I hear others saying it and I see that the black kids are cool and accepting it. I think I get so offended because I know the significance of what it meant to be called a nigger back in the day. I also know how it feels to be called a nigger in a derogatory way – it happened quite a few times in college, and let's just say...some folks learned a hell of a lesson after I got finished with them. I guess I'm not as tolerant as kids are now.

This bothers me so much. When I hear a student say it, I try within all reason to let them know in the most professional way possible that it's not acceptable and to please refrain from using it...but the just don't get it. But the personal side of me wants to punch some of these kids in the face so hard that they get it...(I know that's a little extreme, but I hope you get my point). When I tried to explain the significance of what it meant, they blew it off. “I know what it meant Ms. Cooper.” But after asking them pointed questions, I find that they are so far from the would be funny if it weren't so damn sad.

Am I getting too old? Am I that far removed that I've lost touch with the current reality? Should the word be used now? Honestly, I don't think that we'll ever get rid of the word, but I think that there's something that should be done. I know how I was back in the day, and I know how I react to it, and I admit, I honestly don't know how to address the situation in any other way that I have been doing. I know if I react the way that I would on the street, I wouldn't have a job. I just don't know what...I feel like Laurence Fishburne at the end of School Daze – Waaakkkeee Uuuppp!

What do you think people? Let's discuss...


Don't Jack my ISH!!!