Round and Round We Go...


One of my good friends (Hey Rebecca!) sent me an article this morning about the George Floyd murder case. In this article, Civil Attorney Benjamin Crump was talking about how the State of Minnesota needs to charge Officer Derek Chauvin, the officer accused of murdering George Floyd, with First Degree Murder. Dude...are you serious??? Why is HE the spokesperson for ALL of these cases? You mean to tell me he's licensed in ALL of these states? In my opinion, since he’s a civil lawyer, he definitely shouldn’t be commenting on criminal matters. It simply confuses the two sectors, which leads to a lot of misinformation out there. WE NEED STRAIGHT FACTS...NOT OPINIONS...NOT SPECULATION! There's NO OTHER brilliant black lawyer that can take on these cases? He irritates my spirit like Jesse Jackson Sr. Even if the two men knew each other (from working at a restaurant/nightclub), you still have to prove that Officer Chauvin planned it. This is EXTREMELY difficult to do. He would most likely be acquitted; just like George Zimmerman, the cop that killed Mike Brown in Ferguson, MO, etc. At most, the charge should be 2nd Degree Murder. A relatively competent lawyer would argue that yes, Chavin killed George Floyd, but he didn't plan on doing it. I think he's a piece of shit, but you can't prove it. 3rd Degree or Manslaughter is the right charge. It's fucked up, but they need to make an example out of him. It's 2nd degree at the most; but you could argue that yes, he killed him, but he didn't plan it. I think he's a piece of shit, but you can't prove it. 3rd Degree or Manslaughter is the right charge, right now.

We as the people have to have a structured plan to make LASTING change. They things that we constantly do to solve the situations are obviously not enough. It’s like putting a band-aid on a gun wound. The entire situation is fucked up, but they need to make an example out of him. We would go for that charge, then Floyd's family should go after him and the police department because he has a history of this type of behavior. Then the people need to get legislators in office that will change laws; commit this shit again, and you're gonna be fired, we're gonna take these settlements out of your pension and jail time is mandatory. Hold these clowns accountable; if they knew they were facing jail time and losing that pension, I promise some shit will change.

People are rioting because they feel like they have no choice and this is the only way they can make their voices heard. But with rioting, you look like the criminal; you have to keep the focus on the police officer. It's easy to blame the public when they're stealing furniture on live TV like they were last night. I understand where they are coming from, but you have to get gutter like the system. You have to know the system so that it can be changed. That's why I said whatever protests they do have to be strategized. If there's no plan, this shit will happen again. I'm not saying lay down and take this shit either; I don't agree with the non-violence approach, but you have to be strategic.

Every time this happens, I think about law school; my brother Gary and I talk about it all the time. I think we'd be dope as hell at it...but that time and price tag...nope. LOL. All these businesses that support the police unions and businesses that treat people like shit. Boycott them and support a black business instead. is green and it talks to EVERYONE, regardless of race. If they miss that, they'll do what it takes to keep you. I've been doing this for the past 3-4 years and I haven't missed a beat. You have to make them respect you as a person and they have to know without a shadow of a doubt that you will walk if they don't treat you right. Which is a shame; you should treat folks with respect regardless of skin color, religion, etc. Even then, it’s not enough. Some people just don’t care. One day, people will learn to get up from the table and create their own.

I used to say shit like “We aren't our ancestors,” and my dad was replied one-time “Daughter, that shit is so disrespectful.” He said that our ancestors were beaten, killed, spit on, and they organized. They took action and saw it through. He was like y'all just complain on social media. Y'all are reaping the benefits of the shit that they went through to get to this point. So yes, you aren't your ancestors. They were bout it… The non-violent aspect is what's publicized because if we knew how people did fight and strategized...we would get riled up and take action. That's why we don't hear about the HUNDREDS of slave rebellions that happened. We only hear about two: Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey. We need to learn from our past and make changes...or history will repeat itself...again and again...

  • Amadou Diallo
  • Eric Garner
  • Sean Bell
  • Oscar Grant
  • Mike Brown
  • Rekia Boyd
  • Aiyana Jones
  • Sandra Bland
  • John Crawford III
  • Tamir Rice
  • Breonna Taylor
  • and so many more...


Don't Jack my ISH!!!