20 Questions...

One of my favorite things to read in Vibe Magazine was 20 Questions…Here are some of mine.  Try to answer some if you can!

      1.      Can Sarah Palin & the Tea Party go away?
2.      Can Eddie Murphy come back and do a movie with a stand-up routine (see Raw & Delirious)?
3.      Why do guys approach me with the line “Hey Shorty”? Dude, I’m damn near 6 feet, and I’m taller than you…
4.      Why are the longest classes so boring?
5.      Dave Chappelle, where are you?  I need your show so bad right about now…
6.      If you combined Left Eye from TLC (RIP) and Lil Kim, who would you get?  If you guessed Nicki Minaj, you’d be correct…think about it.
7.      For Trey Songz to go so hard at R. Kelly, don’t his songs remind you of him? 
8.      When are people going to be responsible for their own actions?
9.      Do you think Tracy Morgan is really funny?
10.  Who’s the best rapper out right now?
11.  Speaking of rappers, where are all the females?
12.  If is just me, or are groupies REAL BOLD these days?
13.  Can celebrities stop releasing naked pics/videos to get attention?
14.  Isn’t the movie Black Dynamite the funniest ish? (if you haven’t seen it…you should check it out)
15.  Can politicians (regardless of political party) do the job that the people elected them to do instead of just trying to out-do each other?
16.  Aren’t you glad Chicago is finally getting some good weather? 
17.  If the Republicans think that the health care plan is sooo bad, do they have an alternative plan?
18.  Can we add Beyonce and Rihanna to the go away list in Question #1?
19.  Where is Michael Ealy?
20.  Despite the haters & the massive clean-up job that he has to do, I think our president is doing a decent job…don’t you?


Don't Jack my ISH!!!