Something Like a Phenomenon

I try not to discuss celebrities on my blog, but I absolutely have to make an exception for Michael Jackson.  He is THE greatest entertainer of ALL time, and it truly breaks my heart to write this.   This will most likely be the one & only blog that I write about Michael Jackson.  I was a huge fan to say the least.  In fact, I was going to beg, borrow and doggone near steal so that I could fly to London to go to the concert (yes…a sister had a ticket!).  I didn’t believe that he passed…just another sick, cruel joke at his expense.  But it was true, and I would never get to meet the ONLY superstar that had me in awe…

To me, Michael was a superhero.  And I’m not here to say he was weird, innocent, crazy  or whatever…I can’t pass judgment on the man when I’ve committed some sins in my life (you shouldn’t either, but that’s another story for another day).  Michael was Michael, and as a die-hard fan, that was good enough for me.

Rest in piece, Mike.  Maybe now, you can get some relief.  It’s a shame that you had to die before folks could appreciate your musical genius and humanitarian deeds.  Job well done…PEACE.

P.S.  Sorry it took me so long to get this done Mike…Love Ya!


Don't Jack my ISH!!!