A Civil Conversation...

Now that the election is over, I have finally exhaled and now it’s back to business…On a day to day basis, I make it a habit of cruising the blogs and checking out people’s opinions about politics and popular culture, etc. One of the central themes that this election has exposed is the infamous topic of race. When I cruise the different sites, I see the most offensive comments about race from both blacks and whites…and we wonder why we can’t get along!

Here’s a sample of what I’ve come across; this is from The Root:

“Blacks are here because of white people. They are where they are because of white people. Stop trying to take credit for this. Obama broke the color barrier...NO white people let him! We gave black people a life, a chance to be here…They still do nothing but blame white people. YOU HAVE AS LIFE AND A FAMILY HISTORY BECAUSE OF WHITE PEOPLE. DON'T FORGET THAT!!! and don't play dumb and ignorant. History is written in fact. You can't change it to suit your fight. Start thanking us for what you have!”

That was one of the tamest comments…from what I assume (I could be wrong) is a white person. Here’s another one; this is from the Chicago Tribune from what I assume is a person of color and equally disturbing as the comment listed above:

“I'm sick of reading racist, JEALOUS, comment's from White People who try to circumvent the truth with their illogical logic. You people are so jealous and hateful and so much like little children. You must share your stolen toys with the REST of the World. So get use to it. All you Hitler Wannabbees.”

Online (believe it or not, on sites like The Chicago Tribune and the Indianapolis Star), people say the most ignorant things and they hide behind them with sterotypes and faulty logic. It seems to me that the most racist people are the ones that smile in your face at work and talk about you behind your back (or post hateful, vile stuff on the internet under a pseudonym). Personally, I'd rather you say what you hav to in front of my face...that way I know how you are from the jump. When I was in college, I participated in a program called Conversations on Race. My class composed of people from many races & backgrounds. Once everyone’s defenses came down, we began to have some very meaningful discussions and we began to have a new appreciation for each other’s race and culture. It amazed me that there are people that STILL have these feelings towards a group of people. Come on people…All black people aren’t lazy & gangbangers…all white people aren’t racists…all Latinos aren’t gardeners, all Middle Eastern people aren’t terrorists, and all Asians don’t own nail shops!

I guess the million dollar question is: Can we EVER move beyond hiding behind the internet and have a civilized discussion about race? Talk to me people…

Shondra :)


Saule Wright said...

The main reason this discussion won't happen is because no one wants to accept any part of blame for anything. People immediately get on the defensive when you say anything about race. It's akin to when you walk up to someone and put your fist up, they will (assuming they ain't punks) will put theirs up too.

White folk won't apologize for the slavery and oppression that was done and black folk won't apologize and accept that all of our trouble isn't the fault of THE MAN.

Also, we need time to heal. My father used to pick cotton as child. My dad isn't even 65 yet. One generation removed, picking cotton. Less than 40 years ago, we had legalized segregation. In just 1914 blacks were exploited as super human violent sexual animals and thus, the police were allowed to carry bigger guns to combat these super convicts (Harrison Act). We need time.

Sometimes in a relationship, something happens and you know that if you talk about it now, it's gonna be a fight...so you take time to calm down. We need time.

Don't Jack my ISH!!!