Movie Spotlight: I'm Through With White Girls

I had reservations about this movie...but to my surprise, it was really good! Here's the synopsis (courtesy of

"Having recently been involved in a disastrous string of relationships with white women, a hip black comic book artist must confront his own fear of commitment after vowing to exclusively date women of his own race. Jay is a hip black comic book artist whose experiences dating white women have left him wanting more. Realizing that he's in desperate need of some serious change, Jay launches "Operation Brown Sugar," and subsequently begins dating a beautiful "Halfrican-Canadian" writer. Now that race doesn't factor into Jay's dating habits anymore he feels like he may have found the love of his life. But while he may not have to worry about ending up with the wrong girl, Jay is about to discover that he may be in danger of letting the right one slip through his grasp."

It was funny and quirky! I always see those off-beat comedies starring Jack Black, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, etc., and I always wanted to see one with a predominately Black cast. Here is one that had me cracking up! When you get a chance, check it out! I don't think you'll be disappointed...


Ms. T said...

I have to check it out, sounds interesting. Is it a movie?

SLC said...

Yes it's a movie. I heard about it on someone else's blog; and I then I saw a review in a magazine. I watched it this past Saturday on Showtime, I think.

Don't Jack my ISH!!!