Aretha Franklin

Ok People...I've been hearing the jokes about Aretha's hat at the I must say that it's completely normal for black women to wear them in church. Now, I must admit, I never was that big of an Aretha fan (I just never listened to her music). I've been getting my music library together and my father told me to take a look at her music because in his words, "She BAAADDDD!" (thanks Dad!) Lately I've been listening mainly to a lot of old school because

1. Old school artists make the best music (they sing with their soul...their BEING, and you can FEEL it)


2. Most of the old school artist's music is imitated anyway, so why not listen to the original.

So, I bought her greatest hit CD and have been CONVERTED ever since, just based on this one song:

This isn't the best video, but it's decent. I'm mad that I've been sleep on her for all these years! She is BAAADDD! This is the song that I've been feeling...Everyone talks about Respect and Chain of Fools, but this is the ticket right here!


Don't Jack my ISH!!!