The Rules of Engagement...

I read blogs all the time...constantly...I love to chat about just about anything, and I love a good debate/discussion...whatever you'd like to call it. However, I don't want any drama...Here are the rules of engagement:

1. Please be respectful: We can agree to disagree, but please don't try to go under the belt...It annoys me to no it really doesn't get anything solved.

2. If you want to do all that spamming BS...bypass this site and go to another DON'T want to piss me off...I swear you don't.

3. Don't be afraid to discuss how you really feel about the topics...I want to have good discussions...

4. If you want something covered, let me know and we'll discuss it.

If I think of anything else, this will be updated. Talk to you soon...Shondra :)


Invisible Woman said...

Welcome to the blogosphere :-)

SLC said...

Thanks a lot...I check out your blog pretty often and I love it.

Ms. T said...

Hey, your blogs are great. This is Nikki T =)

Don't Jack my ISH!!!